Emory University closes most academic and administrative offices for Winter Recess, the three days between the Christmas and New Year holidays. The Office of Undergraduate Admission will be closed from Dec. 24, 2024 to Jan. 1, 2025, reopening on Thursday, Jan. 2, 2025. Please check our FAQs Over Winter Break blog post for additional information and resources during this time.
Emory University Remains SAT/ACT Optional for 2025-2026. Learn more here.

After Graduation

No matter which of our undergraduate programs they choose, our students are prepared and in demand when they graduate.

And while they’re on campus and after, Emory’s 165,000+ alumni live worldwide and are an eager resource for students looking for mentoring and career advice.

Class of 2023

Take a look at what our students are doing in the world not long after they graduate. Remember, Oxford College students continue to and graduate from either Emory College, the business school, or the nursing school, so they are included in the stats for these three schools.

Emory College

Emory College tracks outcomes 6 months after graduation.

57% Employed Full Time; 37%: Continuing Education; 3% Still Looking; 2% Employed Part Time; <1% Volunteer Service; <1% Military Service
WITH A job offer or graduate school acceptance WITHIN 6 MONTHS OF GRADUATION
average starting salary

School of Nursing

with a job offer within 6 months of graduation
Average Starting Salary

Goizueta Business School

with a job offer within 3 months of graduation
average starting salary