Emory University closes most academic and administrative offices for Winter Recess, the three days between the Christmas and New Year holidays. The Office of Undergraduate Admission will be closed from Dec. 24, 2024 to Jan. 1, 2025, reopening on Thursday, Jan. 2, 2025. Please check our FAQs Over Winter Break blog post for additional information and resources during this time.
Emory University Remains SAT/ACT Optional for 2025-2026. Learn more here.

Missing Application Items

Does your applicant checklist have missing (“awaiting”) items?

  • If submitted electronically, processing can take up to two weeks. Due to the high volume of materials we receive each day, we are unable to follow up individually on any items submitted in that timeframe. Thank you for your understanding.
  • Do note that submitted application materials will not automatically be removed from your checklist. They must be processed by our office and matched to your application file. Thank you for your patience.
  • If you submitted something more than two weeks ago, please email us at admission@emory.edu with more details about it, including the date of submission, your name, and date of birth.
  • If submitted via postal/delivered mail, processing can take up to three weeks.

No. All submitted materials are shared and reviewed by both admission committees. You do not need to submit multiple copies.

If you would like to change your admission plan or no longer wish to be considered for admission, please complete the application update form. If you applied to both Emory College and Oxford College, please submit the form two times (once for each college) in order to fully withdraw your application from Emory University.

Payment — Application Fee or Fee Waiver

Application Fee

A $75 application fee is required. You may log into the Common Application to pay.

If you submitted your application fee online, but it’s not showing up as paid, please contact the following for further help:

Fee Waiver

If paying the $75 application fee is a financial hardship, we are happy to waive the fee. All fee waiver requests are processed online through the Common Application.

To receive a fee waiver, simply answer “yes” to any question on the application referencing if you are eligible for a fee waiver with Emory University. No further documentation needs to be supplied to our office. 

If you have a paper fee waiver from NACAC or another such college-supporting body or organization, you may choose to upload this and share it with us via the applicant portal. This is not required, however, in order to receive a fee waiver.

Early Decision Agreement

Submit through Application

All Early Decision (ED) applicants must submit a signed ED Agreement that includes their signature, the signature of their school counselor, and a signature from a parent/guardian. The ED Agreement  can be submitted through the Common Application.

Submit via Applicant Portal

If needed, you can download a copy of the ED Agreement and upload the signed copy through your applicant portal:

Standardized Test Scores (SAT, ACT, TOEFL, or IELTS)

Note that Emory University is test optional for first-year or transfer applicants applying to start in Fall 2023. For applicants submitting test scores, you may submit self-reported or official test scores.

Self-Reported Scores

If paying to send official test scores poses a financial barrier, we accept self-reported test scores for the SAT, ACT, TOEFL, and IELTS. Self-reported test scores may be submitted (and updated) in any of the following ways:

  • Enter scores in the testing section of your application.
  • Upload a PDF or JPG of your test score report via your applicant portal as “unofficial test score report.” We accept screenshots of your scores from the testing website, a scanned pdf of a paper score report, or any other version that shows the scores are from an official source.

Official Scores

These are not required. However, if you wish to submit them, you may do so in any of the following ways. Only one is needed.:

  • Sent directly from the testing agency
    • SAT: 5187
    • ACT: 0810
    • TOEFL: 5187 (for international applicants)
  • Uploaded by the school counselor via Slate.org
  • Sent by the school counselor via notation on an official transcript and emailed to admission@emory.edu

Learn more about our test policies.

Transcript — High School or School Report

An official transcript can only be sent by a school official. We do not accept these from the applicant.

These materials can be submitted by your school counselor in one of the following ways. Only one way is needed.:

Transcript — Midyear or Midyear Report

We do not require midyear reports and transcripts for Early Decision I applicants. If it is listed on your checklist, we need it for another decision plan.

We understand these materials are usually not available until late December/early January. It will continue to appear as “awaiting” on your checklist until it is received.

In the meantime, application files for all decision plans, including Scholars, will be reviewed without midyear reports and transcripts.

We do not accept these materials from the applicant.

These materials can be submitted by your school counselor in one of the following ways. (Only one way is needed.):

  • Submitted through the Common Application
  • Uploaded via Slate.org
  • Emailed as an attached PDF to admission@emory.edu. Be sure the email includes the applicant's name, date of birth, and application ID #.

Teacher Letters of Recommendation/Evaluations

All applicants must submit two teacher letters of recommendation. They should come from teachers who taught you in a core academic area (English, math, science, social sciences, global/foreign language, or visual performing arts).

If possible, the teacher should submit the evaluation form along with their letter of recommendation, but all that is officially required is the recommendation letter.

These materials can only be submitted by the school counselor or teacher. We do not accept these from the applicant.

They may be submitted through one of the following ways. (Only one is needed.):

International Student Certification of Finances

All non-US citizens and non-US permanent residents must submit the Documentation of Finances and bank statements.

Please complete the Documentation of Finances as accurately as possible given the family’s financial context, with funds ranging from $0 per year up to the cost of the first year of attendance. Note that international applicants applying for financial aid do not need to show they have sufficient funds to cover their expenses. 

If your bank will not certify the Documentation of Finances, we will accept a note or statement from your bank or financial institution as proof of sufficient funding.

The Documentation of Finances can be submitted by the applicant through one of the following ways. (Only one way is needed.):

  • Uploaded through your applicant portal
  • Emailed as an attached PDF to admission@emory.edu. Be sure the email includes the applicant's full name, date of birth, and application ID #.

Transfer Applicants Only

Academic Evaluation for Transfers

Transfer applicants must submit one letter of recommendation from a faculty member at their current institution. The recommendation provider should submit the evaluation along with their letter of recommendation, but all that is officially required is the recommendation letter. We prefer all letters of recommendation be submitted online through the Common Application.

Any letters of recommendation that were not able to be submitted online need to be submitted by the recommendation provider via attached PDF to admission@emory.edu. Be sure the email includes the applicant's full name, date of birth, and application ID #.

Transcript — College

Transfer applicants must submit an official college transcript from every institution you have attended. We do not accept transcripts submitted by the applicant.

Official transcripts are typically provided by the school's registrar office. The registrar can send the transcript to Emory University through the Common Application or as an attached PDF to admission@emory.edu

Transcript — Final High School

Request that your high school counselor or school registrar submit an official copy of your transcript  through the Common Application. Or your school counselor can email the transcript an attached PDF to admission@emory.edu. We do not accept transcripts submitted by the applicant.

Learn more on the transfer students page.