Financial Aid
- 100%of first-degree (domestic, DACA, undocumented) students with demonstrated financial need have no loans in their financial package.
- 52%of our undergraduate students at Emory receive some form of financial assistance.
- $53,090average grants/scholarships awarded.
- $236Mtotal amount of grants and scholarships awarded to undergraduate students.
Cost of Attendance at Emory
Click below to learn more about the Cost of Attendance for you undergraduate school or program at Emory.
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Types of Aid
Need-Based and Merit-Based Aid
Grants and scholarships are funding sources that do not need to be repaid. These amounts can be determined based on demonstrated need or academic merit. Not all sources of aid are available for second degree studies.
Need-Based Aid
Educational Loans
Student loans can bridge the financial gap left after scholarships and grants, covering tuition, books, and living costs. These loans, often low interest, require repayment once enrollment drops below half-time.
Merit-Based Aid
Scholar Programs
Scholarships, dedicated programming, and distinct opportunities are available for exceptional incoming first-year students. Emory Scholars programs include: Woodruff Scholars and Goizueta Scholars.
Need-Based Aid
Work Study
Work-study awards empower students with financial needs by providing them with paid on-campus employment, crucial for gaining work experience and assisting with educational expenses.
Need-Based Aid
International Students
Each year we offer need-based financial aid packages to a select group of international students.
Need-Based Aid
Aid for Veterans
We offer college funding sources and options for students and families receiving veterans' education benefits.
Need-Based Aid
Medical Imaging
Emory's Medical Imaging program may be eligible for institutional grants and scholarships based on demonstrated financial need or academic merit.
Merit-Based Aid
QuestBridge is a national program that identifies high-achieving, low-income students and connects them with the nation's best colleges and universities.
Need Help with Aid?
Financial Aid Questions? Discuss your financial aid details with one of our advisers. Schedule an appointment!
Emory's CSS Profile Code:
Emory's FAFSA Code:
Visit Our Financial Aid Site for More Information